Similar words: drop-off, drop off, on top of, pop out, at the drop of a hat, on top of the world, rip off, snap off. Meaning: v. 1. leave quickly 2. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life.
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1. It is rude just to pop off after a dinner at a friend's home.
2. He could pop off any day now.
3. You're all just waiting till I pop off so you can get your hands on my money.
4. When I pop off, everything will come to you.
5. And, darling, don't pop off, will you?
6. Those gangsters used to pop off each other.
7. I don't intend to pop off yet.
8. She should pop off back to Scotland.
9. He will soon pop off.
10. I'll make the tea and you pop off for a while.
11. If some shit ever does pop off, I'm supposed to be beside'em.
12. What did you pop off to Dick about this afternoon?
12. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
13. At take off be sure to pop off the lip evenly. Begin to tuck up both legs . And your right hand down to meet you ski.
14. None of Olive's relatives looked likely to pop off for the time being, thank God.
15. Jim is dying now. I don't want him pop off.
16. Kenny Lofton made a mad dash for the ball, got to it and had it pop off his glove.
17. Stop talking about who's going to inherit my money! I've no intention to pop off yet!
18. The little plastic tab was off and the ethernet cable would pop off with little effort.
More similar words: drop-off, drop off, on top of, pop out, at the drop of a hat, on top of the world, rip off, snap off, jump off, keep off, made up of, pop, pop., pope, be made up of, pop in, poppet, pop art, with the help of, pop-eyed, popcorn, popular, keep off the grass, soap opera, pop group, populate, popsicle, lollipop, populist, populace.